Best Blogging Platform to Make Money

The main reason you want to start a blog is to make money. Right?

Yes, it is true that you need to create quality content to make money from the blog.

But which is the best blogging platform to make money?

If you are planning to start a blog from scratch, then you need to first think about what is the best blogging platform for you. Here are some points which will help you to select a good blogging platform for your business.

Best Blogging Platform to Make Money

How to Choose the Best Blogging Platform?

There are many blogging platforms out there, but not all of them are created equal. Some are better than others when it comes to making money from your blog.

Here are a few things to consider when choosing the best platform for you:


Different types of content are suitable for different kinds of blogging platforms. Because some blogging platforms support long-form content. While others support music, infographics, videos, short post, and so on.

So, before selecting a platform, one thing you need to know is what type of content you will be posting.

If you like to prefer one-sentence posts or short paragraphs WordPress, Medium, and Wix may not be the good ones. You’d be better off with Tumblr or Twitter.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Best Blogging Platform to Make Money

Ease of use:

You want a platform that is easy to use and set up. The last thing you want is to spend hours trying to figure out how to do something simple.

Monetization Options:

Before selecting a blogging platform, think about the level of control you need to write the content.

Do you desire backend access?

Do you want to manage who can examine the content?

How many a platform allows contributors?

Does the platform restrict the content you want to publish?


A free blogging platform doesn’t give you too much control, but platforms like WordPress (see WordPress vs Webflow) will let you give you access to do anything you like on your website.

The best platforms will have multiple ways for you to make money from your blog. This could include ads, sponsorships, affiliate marketing, or selling products or services.

Best Blogging Platform to Make Money

Audience Reach:

You want to choose a platform that has a large audience so that you can reach as many people as possible.

Best Blogging Platform to Make Money


How much are you want to spend per year or per month on your blog?

To start with a free blogging platform is great but it can be quite limiting when you decide to scale your business.

Start by having an aim for your running a blog career. Select platforms that can support this growth and then see you in the next five years.

On the other hand, some platforms can be quite high-priced and are only suitable for setting up a company.

For instance, WordPress hits a good balance: first, you can have a cheap domain and a cheap theme and then revamp them as your business grows.

Best Blogging Platform to Make Money

 You’ll also come across platforms specifically designed for selling courses, eCommerce, or Newsletters.


If something goes wrong, you want to be able to count on the platform’s support team to help you fix it.


Some platforms offer extras that can be helpful, such as built-in analytics or email marketing tools.

Types of Make Money Platforms

There are many different types of blogging platforms available to make money.

Some popular choices include:

Best Blogging Platform to Make Money










Each platform has its own set of pros and cons, so it’s important to choose the one that’s right for you.

There are many blogging platforms that you can use to make money. However, not all of them are created equal.

Here are the top best blogging platforms for starting an online business and making an income.

  • WordPress
  • Medium
  • Substack
  • Wix
  • Weebly
Best Blogging Platform to Make Money

WordPress is one of the most popular and broadly used running blog structures in the world.

It is additionally one of the easiest systems to use, which makes it a fantastic alternative for those who are just starting out.

There are a number of approaches to making money with WordPress, inclusive advertising, affiliate marketing, and promoting merchandise and services.

WordPress is simply a software program that you use to build your very personal website or weblog and post it on the Internet it is additionally called a content management device or CMS for you tech whizzes out there that like the lingo.

It used to be created and returned in 2003 and given that then it has ended up as one of the most famous website publishing packages in the world in reality.

It’s free why due to the fact WordPress is an open supply software meaning that there may be hundreds of software program engineers out there that are working on it every day to make it higher and better.

The beauty of WordPress is that you are capable to pick from eleven thousand exceptional issues which just template layouts that determine the look and fashion of your website.

You’re in a position to tweak all of the text such as fonts and font sizes you can create buttons you can add your pix and videos and much more.

You can additionally select from over 55,000 plugins and widgets to help optimize the performance of your website.

So this is for human beings that desire to possibly begin a save or open up a gallery or anything it is on their website.

There is infinite chance and constructing your website with WordPress is all online.

Best Blogging Platform to Make Money

So you can construct your website from somewhere that you are as long as you have an internet connection.


More control over your blog design

Access to thousands of plugins and themes to customize your blog

Great customer support plus TONS of articles written on using the platform

Easier to integrate with most other software as you grow your blog



A little bit more of a learning curve compared to some other blogging platforms

You need to handle your security and backups


Writing on Medium is possibly one of the best methods to begin blogging.

It’s a free blogging platform or a neighborhood where you sign up and share your ideas about a topic, write a review, or write anything you sense like as lengthy as you observe their guidelines.

You might also no longer always make a lot of cash from writing on Medium, but they have a paid diagram where readers pay $5 per month to get limitless access.

Once your articles are accredited for this program, also recognized as the Medium Partnership Program, you get paid based on the variety of views on your articles.

Better yet, it’s free to join. All you want is the time to write and construct an audience.

I wouldn’t propose the use of Medium as a long-term or everlasting solution. But it is a super way to test your content, generate greater visitors to your blog, promote your enterprise or course, or even earn some more money.

As Jon Morrow advises aspiring bloggers, you can begin a free weblog on Medium to check the viability of your blogging niche and approach.

Once you are certain it is viable, you migrate your target market to a self-hosted running blog platform like WordPress.

Unfortunately, the Medium Partner application can pay thru Stripe, which is unavailable in some countries.

Best Blogging Platform to Make Money


It’s free

It’s easy to start

No prior knowledge about themes or plugins is required

You have access to an internal audience compared to ranking through SEO



You don’t own the domain name

Once you sign up, your domain name will be

Writers rely on the internal audience, which is unpredictable

You can’t use display ads

The Partner Program is the only monetization method


Wix is an authentic running blog platform with over 200 million users, thanks to the drag-and-drop website builder that lets you to build and customize a website from scratch except for any coding.

There’s a free model that gives you primary blogging functions.

But if you prefer to promote from your web page or utilize greater running a blog functions, you will have to subscribe to a format that suits your need.

The lowest design goes for $18, whilst the highest charges $56 per month.

If you need any different add-ons for analytics, eCommerce, or anything else you want on your blog, you can also have to pay more.

The sole drawback with the use of Wix is they own the code, server, and different backend functionalities.

As a result, you can’t manipulate the page speed, loading speeds for a range of devices, and any different vitals.

Besides that, the drag-and-drop feature, exceptional templates, inbuilt marketing, and website positioning make Wix a blogging platform that’s really worth consideration for small businesses.

Best Blogging Platform to Make Money


Easy-to-use drag-and-drop software

Makes it incredibly beginner-friendly

Less of gaining knowledge of curves when constructing your web page



Far fewer selections for topics and third-party plugins

Plans are less flexible due to a lack of hosting options

Costs extra if you choose to build an eCommerce keep on your site

A free model is very constrained and consists of Wix commercials on your site

Far fewer software integrations than WordPress


You’ve probably heard a lot extra about Squarespace lately because of how much they have ramped up their advertising. I recognize I see it all over Facebook and YouTube.

As of proper now, Keanu Reeves, aka the most likable man ever, is their spokesperson. What a strength move!

Squarespace, comparable to Wix, additionally has drag-and-drop software, making their personal interface extremely good for novices with no prior internet site design or coding knowledge.

Best Blogging Platform to Make Money


Beginner-friendly, drag-and-drop software

Great for small businesses



Far fewer options for subject matters and third-party plugins

Plans are much less flexible and more high-priced to add eCommerce stores and other add-ons

Far fewer software program integrations than WordPress

Significantly extra luxurious than the preceding alternatives discussed


Weebly is yet another drag-and-drop website building, although it’s lesser-known than Wix and Squarespace and has fewer options.

Best Blogging Platform to Make Money



Drag and drop software



Very few software integrations are available

Significantly more expensive



There are many blogging platforms out there, each with its own unique set of features. So, which platform is the best for making money?

Well, it really depends on what your specific goals are. If you want to make money through advertising, then would be a good option, since they have high traffic levels and offer ad space on their site.

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